5 Possible Reasons Why You Can’t Grow Facial Hair

5 Possible Reasons Why You Can’t Grow Facial Hair

Posted by Tugain 10 on 3rd Nov 2022

The challenge of growing lush chin hairs may become more pressing as beards become more popular. Unsurprisingly, those without the beard gene are looking for the elusive chin carpet.

Many men either cannot grow a beard or have sparse facial and neck hair. Although it happens frequently, there are various causes. And there are solutions if you are having trouble developing a beard.

Why, then, can some men not develop facial hair? Let's get going.

1. Genetics

Facial hair is greatly influenced by genetics, just like head hair is. A thorough investigation looked at how our DNA affects how we look. The growth of straighter head hair and sparser facial hair was linked to a variant of the EDAR gene. Both beard, brow density, and baldness were significantly correlated.

Another factor contributing to the importance of genetics in beard growth is the influence of genes on the production of male sex hormones. The AR gene produces androgen receptors, which are necessary for developing male sexual characteristics.

The response to androgens (such as testosterone) is reduced when androgen receptors are dysfunctional. This might have an impact on facial hair growth.

Despite your poor genetics, you can still grow a bushy beard with the help of specific treatments. But first, consider the other reasons your beard might grow slowly.

2. Low Testosterone Level

In some instances, low testosterone levels may promote facial hair growth. Deficient testosterone levels are associated with virtually no facial hair.

If your testosterone levels are low, you may experience irritability, low libido, constant fatigue, erectile dysfunction, difficulty building muscle, and increased body fat.

3. Low DHT Production

Beard growth is influenced by DHT production, similar to the most common type of hair loss in men, male pattern baldness. Approximately 10% of testosterone is converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone). While testosterone is better known in its original form, DHT is significantly more potent and impacts hair growth.

The hormone has distinct effects on facial and head hair. DHT can inhibit hair growth. That explains why finasteride inhibits the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT and is an effective treatment for male pattern hair loss.

In contrast to the scalp, DHT promotes hair growth throughout the body, including the beard, with a significant amount of DHT present in beard cells but not in scalp cells.

4. Alopecia Areata

Due to the autoimmune disorder alopecia areata, the body attacks the hair follicles. It may result in bald patches on the head and beard.

Alopecia areata does not have a known cause or treatment. Still, your doctor can suggest several options, including topical medications such as minoxidil, dithranol, corticosteroid creams, topical immunotherapy, steroid injections, cortisone tablets, oral immunosuppressants, and phototherapy.

5. Ethnicity

Your race may influence the growth of facial hair. The Mediterranean region's inhabitants can develop thicker beards than people from other areas.

Chinese men have less facial hair than Caucasian men, according to a Reliable Source's 2016 study. Compared to Chinese men, Caucasian men have more facial hair on their chin, neck, and cheeks.

The same study found that human hair can vary in diameter from 17 to 180 micrometers, affecting beard density. The thicker hair causes the beard to look fuller.


Though fashionable, not all men have facial hair that grows naturally. You might have trouble growing a beard for various reasons, but heredity is the most likely culprit. Some treatments can help you grow the beard you always dreamt of.

If you're looking for beard growth solutions at home, Tugain 10 has it for you! We have various products you could try and see what fits you! Get yours now!