Minoxidil (Rogaine)—How Does It Promote Beard Growth?

Minoxidil (Rogaine)—How Does It Promote Beard Growth?

Posted by Tugain 10 on 13th Apr 2023

Growing a beard can be long and difficult, but you can speed up the process with the right product. Minoxidil, commonly known as Rogaine, is a drug that helps stimulate hair growth and can be used to help grow a thicker and fuller beard.

This article will provide information on using Minoxidil to get the best results when growing a beard. It will discuss the proper application of the product, potential side effects, and other tips to enhance beard growth. By following these steps, you can get the beard you've always wanted in no time.

What Is Minoxidil?

The main element in hair growth products like Rogaine is Minoxidil. However, early experiments discovered hair growth as a detrimental side effect, and it was initially used to treat high blood pressure. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it as a topical treatment for scalp hair growth under the trade name Rogaine in the 1980s based on additional studies.

How Exactly Does Minoxidil Function?

The precise mechanism via which Minoxidil acts is presently the subject of scientific discussion. It is explicitly stated that Rogaine can grow and rejuvenate hair follicles. Hence, thicker hair develops more normally. Yet, some contend that increased blood flow and dilation of the scalp's blood vessels work.

Some argue that it lengthens the development phase by increasing the follicle's ATP enzyme. It has been demonstrated to be among the most effective topical therapies for halting hair loss, whatever the cause. As with any treatment of this nature, individual results will unavoidably differ depending on the characteristics of the thin or missing hair.

How Soon Does Minoxidil Start to Work?

Although beard Minoxidil begins to work immediately, noticeable changes won't occur for three to six months, with the best visual effects appearing after a year. Use of the complete time frame is required at all times.

When Is Minoxidil Recommended for Use?

It's crucial to adhere to the directions precisely because they may change depending on the brand and solution strength of the product you purchase. However, the typical advice is to use topical Minoxidil once or twice daily. Use the recommended amount for your skin and hair to dry them. In the following hours, avoid having your hair wet, and ensure the product is dehydrated before styling or going to bed.

Is Using Minoxidil on Your Beard Okay?

Applying Minoxidil to a beard is off-label because it is only approved for use on the head. This is why companies like Rogaine explicitly state that their products should only be applied to the scalp. However, a study on the effects of Minoxidil on beard growth published in the Journal of Dermatology found that using a 3% solution on the face did not seem to have many adverse effects.

Before using Minoxidil for beard development, it is advised to be aware of the side effects, which include skin irritation, itching, and dryness. It is harmless for the face, according to a large body of anecdotal evidence, but use caution when applying it to avoid getting it in your mouth or eyes.

How Should Minoxidil Be Applied to A Beard?

First, wash and dry your face. Use a cleanser with a neutral PH to help lessen any irritation. Apply the recommended skincare product to the desired growth area and gently massage it into the skin's surface. Before adding any other products, like a moisturizer or sunscreen, let it absorb.

How Much Minoxidil Should You Take to Grow A Beard?

You must regularly and consistently apply 12.5% Minoxidil to your beard for the finest results for six to 24 months. Since the hair growth cycle requires time, irregular product use won't help.

Can Minoxidil Help Mustache Growth?

Minoxidil can help with mustache growth, like how it helps with beard growth. Again, there haven't been any formal studies done to back this up, but there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence from successful men. Please pay special attention as you apply it to avoid leaking into your mouth.


Growing a beard is safe and efficient when using Minoxidil (Rogaine). Significantly, a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and frequent exercise, is necessary to function at its best. It should also be used correctly and consistently for the best results. When used correctly and consistently, Minoxidil can help promote facial hair growth. However, results can take several weeks to appear and may vary from person to person. It is important to remember to be patient and to consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

Tugain 10 provides 12.5% Minoxidil, Tugain 10% Liquid, and Tugain Foam 10% products. Buy beard Minoxidil today!