Minoxidil for Beard Growth: The Benefits You Need to Know

Minoxidil for Beard Growth: The Benefits You Need to Know

Posted by Tugain 10 on 31st Oct 2022

A beard is often seen as a symbol of masculinity. In many cultures, a man who can grow a beard is seen as being more virile, strong, and rugged. But for some men, growing a beard might be a challenge.

Do you feel like your beard could be fuller and thicker? If so, you may want to consider using minoxidil for beard growth. Minoxidil is a medication used to treat high blood pressure, but it has also been shown to be effective in stimulating hair growth.

What Is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil, also known as Rogaine, is a prescription medication for high blood pressure and pattern hair loss. It is a vasodilator used to treat high blood pressure. It is available as a generic medication by prescription in oral tablet form and as an over-the-counter topical liquid or foam.

Minoxidil is used to treat pattern baldness in men and women. In men, it is used to treat male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) at the crown of the head and in the temples. In women, minoxidil is used to treat diffuse thinning on the scalp.

How Does Minoxidil Work?

1. Reverses the Miniaturization of Follicles

Miniaturization is a process in which the hair follicles gradually shrink over time. Genetics, hormones, and inflammation cause this shrinking process. By reversing the miniaturization process, minoxidil can help promote hair growth.

2. Improves Blood Flow to Follicles

Minoxidil is a vasodilator, which means it increases blood flow. This helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the follicles, promoting hair growth. In a study of men with hair loss, those who used minoxidil increased hair density and thickness compared to those who did not use the drug.

3. Encourages Follicle Movement Into the Growth Phase

Minoxidil is a potent stimulator of follicle movement from the resting (telogen) phase to the growth (anagen) phase. In clinical studies, minoxidil has been shown to increase the proportion of hairs in the anagen phase and shorten the resting phase duration. These effects result in an overall increase in the number of hairs and a thicker hair shaft.

Is Minoxidil Effective for Beard Growth?

Minoxidil can be used to help grow a beard. Using minoxidil, according to scalp studies, encourages hairs to stay in the growing phase for a more extended period.

Applying to the beard encourages as many hairs to grow as possible and as few to rest, resulting in a fuller-looking beard. A clinical trial discovered that topical minoxidil on the beard improved hair counts significantly more than a placebo.

How to Use Minoxidil to Restore Beard Growth?

It only takes a few seconds to incorporate a minoxidil-containing product into your daily routine. Apply your minoxidil-containing product to your damp beard skin after washing your face. Products tend to penetrate damp skin better when they are not wet. Massage it gently, focusing on the areas where you want thicker, denser hair.

Then, wash your hands and continue with your skincare routine, taking care not to get the product all over your face. While you may be tempted to use it more frequently to hasten hair growth, resist the temptation. Follow most brands' twice-daily instructions and let the juice do its thing.


From the above information, it is pretty clear that minoxidil can be used for beard growth. Although the results may vary from person to person, it is worth a try for those looking for an alternative to conventional methods.

If you are looking for ways to increase your beard growth, Tugain 10 is here to help you. We have various products to try and see what works best for you! Get yours right away!