The Basics of Alopecia Barbae, Its Causes, and Its Treatments

The Basics of Alopecia Barbae, Its Causes, and Its Treatments

Posted by Tugain 10 on 8th Nov 2022

First of All, What Is Alopecia Barbae?

Alopecia barbae is a condition that causes beard hair loss in men. It can be very frustrating, especially if it is hereditary. Alopecia barbae is an autoimmune disease that affects the beard area. Hair loss from alopecia barbae typically occurs in small patches.

Men with this condition may notice patches of baldness on their jawline or neck, with either thin facial hair or no facial hair at all. Alopecia barbae usually comes on suddenly, and men with this condition may lose beard hair in small, circular bald patches. If you are among men who experience alopecia barbae, you may be looking for a beard hair loss solution.

Why Would My Beard Hair Fall Out?

There is no one specific cause of hair loss in men's beards, but it is thought to be related to genetics or hormones. Alopecia areata and alopecia barbae, two types of hair loss, may be caused by external factors such as stress or an injury.

Testosterone helps promote beard growth by increasing the size of hair follicles. Those that are healthy stimulate hair growth all over the body, including facial hair. However, if someone has lower levels of testosterone, it doesn't mean that they will never be able to grow facial hair or that they will always be patchy. It just means that their facial hair may grow slower than someone with high testosterone levels.

What Are the Main Causes of Beard Hair Loss?

Some of the external reasons that can cause beard hair loss are poor nutrition, harsh chemicals, weather conditions, and over-styling. On the other hand, some of the mental reasons that can cause beard hair loss are stress, anxiety, and depression. Of course, these aren't the only factors to watch out for.

  • Alcohol
  • Chemicals
  • Family hereditary
  • Medicines
  • Poor diet
  • Stress

Is There Any Way to Treat Alopecia Barbae?

  • Massage your beard to help stimulate your hair follicles and encourage growth.
  • You may try to apply some natural beard oils.
  • You must avoid doing some aggressive beard care routine.
  • Pick a beard-stimulating diet to increase your intake of vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Talk to a medical professional for guidance if you're concerned about your testosterone and DHT levels.
  • A beard or mustache transplant is a great way to have a lifetime solution for your facial hair needs. By getting a transplant, you can have the facial hair you've always wanted and never have to worry about it again.
  • Try to reduce stress to encourage beard growth as much as possible.
  • To have a healthy and clean beard, you should wash it at least once a week and exfoliate your face to remove dead skin cells.

Things to Do If You Are Suddenly Losing Your Beard

There are a few ways to treat hair loss spots in your beard. One is to wait for the autoimmune attack to stop and for the hair to regrow on its own. Another way is to get an early diagnosis from a dermatologist. There are also medical and natural treatments available.


Alopecia barbae is a condition that results in beard hair loss. It can be caused by a variety of things, including genetics, hormones, certain medications, and autoimmune conditions.

There are a number of treatments available, both medical and homeopathic. To clarify, there is no cure for alopecia barbae, but with treatment, it is possible to control hair loss and even regrow some of it.

If you are looking for a great source of beard growth products, look no further than our amazing selections here at Tugain 10. We offer a wide range of options that would bring out the shine and style of your hair and beard with no challenge. Check out our online store for more of our hair and beard growth items and their prices.