Why Did My Hair Stop Growing?

Why Did My Hair Stop Growing?

Posted by Tugain 10 on 31st Oct 2022

You might occasionally think that hair growth has stopped! There are many reasons why this might be. Now's the time that you should learn them!

Here are the following:

1. Genetics

You might be surprised to learn that your hair stops growing at the end of its growth cycle rather than at a specific length. Your genes will determine the length of your hair's growth phase, lasting anywhere from two to six years.

As a result, hair stops growing at the end of its growth cycle and either falls out or breaks off. Genetics can also influence your thyroid hormone concentration, affecting how quickly your hair grows.

According to a study that examined 170 hair-related genes, differences in hair thickness among people of Asian descent were linked to two specific genes. A second large-scale study from the United Kingdom found genetic predictors of male pattern baldness in over 52,000 men between the ages of 40 and 69. These studies have clarified the genetic variables that influence hair growth.

2. Thyroid Problems

Thyroid hormones are essential. Hair loss or thinning may result from an overactive or underactive thyroid. According to research, a balanced thyroid hormone profile is necessary for proper hair follicle stem cell function and activation.

As a thyroid patient, you should know that the condition can result in several complications, including hair loss. Severe and persistent hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism may result in hair loss or a reduction in hair growth. This is because the thyroid is a condition that develops when your thyroid gland either produces too few or too many hormones.

3. Stress

We all deal with stressful situations daily. Stress can damage your hair's health and give you headaches, fatigue, and insomnia. Your hair follicles stop producing new hair due to telogen effluvium. Additionally, shampooing and combing can hasten hair loss when doing this.

4. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones are another internal factor that influences hair health. Understanding how changes in the endocrine system affect hair health can help you determine which supplements and ingredients you need to maintain healthy hair. Consider testosterone, the presence of which can result in the presence of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body.

DHT can damage hair follicles, leading to the thinning and eventual cessation of hair growth. It is known to play an essential role in male pattern baldness, but it can also affect the hair quality of women.

Moreover, estrogen and progesterone hormones can affect hair thickness. Changes in these hormones can affect hair quality during pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. Whether estrogen and progesterone levels are stable, unstable, or elevated, they influence hair growth rate and quality.

5. Aging

Age-related hair changes might become more apparent. Men's hair changes are most evident in their thirties and forties when graying and hair loss is common. By middle age, up to 70% of men have undergone these changes. The typical progression of age-related hair loss is from a receding hairline to bald or patchy patches.

Additionally, as women approach menopause, typically in their 50s, their bodies produce less progesterone and estrogen, though some may begin to experience symptoms as early as their mid-to-late-30s.


No matter a person's gender, genetics significantly affect hair loss. Although the exact genetic cause of baldness is unknown, many genes are thought to play a role. Medicines, laser treatment, and platelet-rich plasma injections may aid in promoting hair growth in balding areas even though genetic hair loss is permanent.

If you're looking for hair loss solutions at home, Tugain 10 has it for you! We have various products you could try and see what fits you! Get yours now!