Understanding the Meaning of Hair Structure and Growth

Understanding the Meaning of Hair Structure and Growth

Posted by Tugain 10 on 24th Nov 2022

There are numerous causes of hair loss in people. A hereditary disease, hormone problems, or simple stress can all cause hair loss. When you start losing your hair, you first want to know how to regrow it.

How quickly does hair grow, and how can you manipulate your hair's structure to hasten its development?

The sections below let you understand hair loss a little better and show some at-home and professional methods for promoting hair growth.

What Does Hair Structure Mean?

The first structure in your hair is the hair follicle, and the second is the hair shaft. You can literally see, touch, and feel the hair shaft. The medulla, cortex, and cuticle are the three components that make up the hair shaft.

Your hair's cortex, which makes up the majority of the hair shaft's structure, stores the melanin produced by your hair follicle. This is what determines the color of your hair. Your hair shaft's cuticle layer, which has close, overlapping scales, is located on the outermost portion.

What Are the Parts of the Hair Shaft?

The three main parts of the hair shaft are the medulla, cortex, and cuticle. The shaft's innermost layer is called the medulla and is composed of cells that are arranged in a spongy network.

The cortex is the middle layer of the hair shaft and is composed of cells that are arranged in a parallel fashion. And the cuticle is the hair shaft's outermost layer. It is composed of cells that are arranged in a flattened scale-like fashion.

How Long Does Hair Regrowth Take?

Your head's hair grows barely a half millimeter each day on average, which translates to around six inches of growth per year. Unfortunately, unlike other mammals, humans do not shed their hair in a seasonally predictable manner.

Anagen, catagen, and telogen are the three stages of human hair growth.

The Anagen Phase: When your hair is in the anagen phase, it grows fairly quickly. The cells in your hair follicle are dividing quickly at this stage.

In fact, between two and six years, up to 90 percent of your hair is in the anagen phase. Genetics alone determines how long your hair stays in the anagen phase.

This explains why some people can grow long hair easily while others cannot.

The Catagen Phase: This brief phase follows the anagen phase. During this stage, your hair shaft separates from the papilla to stop receiving blood supply. About two to three weeks are all that this period lasts.

The Telogen Phase: Your hair follicle needs to rest for around three months after your hair comes out. The telogen phase is the name for this.

When your hair follicle has had enough time to rest, it returns to the anagen phase, and your hair begins to regrow.


It's challenging, if not impossible, to extend your anagen phase because of genetics. However, a number of factors might reduce your hair shaft's lifespan or restrict its development rate.

Therefore, it's crucial to establish everyday routines that benefit your hair. Examine your options for maintaining a healthy scalp to assist in preventing hair loss.

You can rely on Tugain 10 if you want to make improvements to your hair growth! We sell 12.5% Minoxidil and Tugain 10% Liquid and Tugain Foam 10% products. Check out our hair products today!