Top Minoxidil Application Mistakes That Can Cause Baldness

Top Minoxidil Application Mistakes That Can Cause Baldness

Posted by Tugain 10 on 1st Dec 2022

Minoxidil is a treatment that is used to treat hair loss. It is convenient in a topical solution and a cream and is applied to the scalp twice daily. Minoxidil can effectively treat hair loss, but it is vital to use it correctly to avoid causing further hair loss.

Here are the top 11 minoxidil application mistakes that can cause baldness:

1. Applying Minoxidil to Wet Hair

Minoxidil should be applied to dry hair, as wet hair can make it more difficult for the medication to be absorbed by the scalp. If you must apply minoxidil to wet hair, make sure to dry your hair thoroughly before applying for the medicine.

2. Applying Minoxidil to Dirty Hair

Dirty hair can also make it more difficult for minoxidil to be absorbed by the scalp. Make sure to wash your hair before applying minoxidil, and avoid using the medication on any areas of the scalp that are covered in dirt or oil.

3. Applying Minoxidil to the Scalp More than Twice a Day

Applying minoxidil more than twice a day is unnecessary and can be harmful. Using minoxidil more than twice a day can cause scalp irritation and may increase the risk of side effects such as scalp redness, itching, and flaking.

4. Applying Minoxidil to the Wrong Area of the Scalp

Minoxidil should be applied to the scalp where hair loss is occurring. Using minoxidil on the wrong area of the scalp, such as the forehead or temples, will not be effective in treating hair loss and may cause hair loss in those areas.

5. Applying Minoxidil to Broken or Irritated Skin

Do not apply minoxidil to broken or irritated skin. Using minoxidil on broken or irritated skin can cause further irritation and may increase the risk of side effects.

6. Rubbing Minoxidil into the Scalp

Minoxidil should be applied to the scalp in a gentle, massaging motion. Rubbing minoxidil into the scalp can irritate the skin and increase the risk of side effects.

7. Applying Minoxidil to Sweaty Hair

Minoxidil should be applied to dry hair. The medication won’t be absorbed if your hair is sweaty. So make sure to use it to dry hair, or at least wait for your hair to dry before applying minoxidil.

8. Stopping Minoxidil Use Too Soon

Minoxidil takes time to work. If you stop using it before you see results, you will not see any results.

9. Not Using Minoxidil Consistently

If you want minoxidil to work, you need to use it consistently. That means using it every day without skipping any days. You’re not allowing the medication to work if you miss even a day.

10. Applying Minoxidil to Dandruff-Covered Hair

Minoxidil should be applied to a clean scalp. The medication won't be absorbed if your scalp is covered in dandruff. So, wash your scalp with a dandruff shampoo before applying minoxidil.

11. Not Applying It Correctly

One of the most prevalent mistakes people make when using minoxidil is not applying it correctly. The medication can't work properly when you don’t apply minoxidil evenly or don’t use enough of it. As a result, you may not recognize the hair growth you’re hoping for.

To ensure you’re using minoxidil correctly, be sure to:

  • Apply the medication to dry hair
  • Use the correct amount (usually 2 mL)
  • Apply it evenly to the affected areas

If you’re unsure how to apply minoxidil correctly, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. They can show you how to use the medication properly.


It is vital to be conscious of the top minoxidil application mistakes that can cause baldness. Applying minoxidil too often can result in scalp irritation and dryness, leading to hair loss. In addition, minoxidil products not intended for use on the scalp can also cause scalp irritation and dryness, leading to hair loss. Using minoxidil products not designed on the scalp can also cause scalp irritation and dryness, which can lead to hair loss.

If you're looking for a trusted and effective minoxidil product for hair loss, look no further than Tugain 10. Tugain 10 is a topical solution clinically proven to help regrow hair and is sufficient for both men and women. Contact us today to learn more about how our products can help you achieve your desired results.